

March 2024 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum member, Time really flies! Even though it feels not so long ago when I met many of you at fantastic HVTT17 in Brisbane,  it has already been nearly 5 months. Looking ahead, I would like to start this newsletter to remind you the call for abstracts for HVTT18, which will take a place in Québec City, Canada next year. Short abstracts (300 to 500 words) are due on April 19, 2024 covering one or more of the conference topics, from theoretical to practical applications. Submission of ongoing research is encouraged if meaningful results are expected before the full paper submission deadline. More information on conference topics and submission procedure can be found on here. As for the weather in Europe, we are just entering a nice spring period after a fairly mild winter with very little snow throughout the continent and varying levels of precipitation per country....
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February 2024 Newsletter

Hello everyone, February 10, 2024, is the traditional Chinese festival – Spring Festival. I would like to wish everyone a successful and prosperous new year. In 2023, there were new changes in China’s transportation industry. The average daily cross-regional passenger flow reached 160 million people, and the daily volume of goods transportation exceeded 150 million tons. Additionally, 360 million parcels were collected each day. The use of new energy and clean energy equipment accelerated, with new energy vehicles accounting for 77.6% in the public transportation system. These achievements were supported by a robust transportation system and also reflect the vigorous driving force of China’s economy. In January 2024, the State Council of China issued the “Opinions on Comprehensive Promotion of Beautiful China Construction,” which clearly planned to implement the carbon peak action in a step-by-step manner, striving to achieve carbon peak before 2030 and laying a foundation for carbon neutrality...
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January 2024 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum community, This is somewhat of a first in HVTT Forum history: a monthly newsletter from the Information Officer! This was an idea which came out of discussions following HVTT17, and which I hope will be helpful in keeping the community informed of our ongoing digital activities. In keeping with HVTT newsletter conventions, I will include a few regional updates from the UK and, of course, a note on the weather. HVTT17 papers and photos First, I am very pleased to announce that all papers presented at HVTT17 in Brisbane are now available for download on our website here. The search box lets you quickly filter by first author, paper title, or session number. For more advanced searching our website-wide search function is always available which will search through all material including paper contents and the newsletter archive. (This is accessed via the magnifying glass icon on the...
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December 2023 Newsletter

December newsletter from Immediate Past President, Loes Aarts, and new President Gavin Hill Dear HVTT Forum family My two terms as President of the International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology are now over. My presidency was marked by the farewell to the founding fathers of the HVTT Forum, the evolution from the International Forum for Road Transport Technology (IFRTT) to the International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT Forum), COVID-19, and the further convergence of road, vehicles and logistics as one system. Bringing together different disciplines to achieve synergy in order to make road freight transport more efficient, safer and more sustainable is the foundation of the organization. With great enthusiasm, the founding fathers built an international community from which later generations continue to reap the benefits to this day. It was very important to me to rejuvenate and renew the organization in such a way...
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October 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of the HVTT Forum, On October 28, 2014 I made my debut as presenter of a paper at HVTT13 in San Luis, Argentina. I did not really know what to expect from HVTT and I had originally planned to attend only that one day. However, the warm reception from the organizers and from participants made me stay the whole week. The program was packed with interesting and useful information. This was a community that I wanted to be part of. The “love at first sight” was reciprocated and I was elected to the board and was even made vice president, Asia. The board gave me a clear and simple task: get China and more countries in Asia involved in the HVTT community. We agreed that one of the next HVTT should be held in China. HVTT14 was held in New Zealand with the first representative from the Chinese...
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September 2023 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum family  I’m writing to you from Sydney, Australia, where we’re experiencing a warm beginning to Spring (more on this later).  With only a handful of weeks to go before Technology Convergence 2023 – the joint conference of the 17th International Symposium for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT17) and the  9th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion (ICWIM9) – you’ll need to forgive me for making it a focus of this newsletter.  The final countdown to Technology Convergence 2023 Technology Convergence 2023 is now only five weeks away!  After two years of planning and behind-the-scene activities, we’re on the cusp of hosting a global conference which will showcase the latest research, knowledge, and developments aimed at advancing the management of heavy vehicles, roads and freight.  As you’ll recall, the decision to hold HVTT17 and ICWIM9 together into a single conference leverages the strong and long-standing relationships between the International...
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August 2023 Newsletter

Only a couple of months and HVTT17 starts! OMG! Well done to the organizers, your patience with all of us authors and attendees hopefully will be rewarded…   Figure 1 – Road Sign in La Puna    Well, it has been a bumpy road since last HVTT and I am looking forward to meeting you all. In this particular newsletter, I would like to write about lithium mining in South America´s “lithium triangle” and how multinational companies´ sustainable reporting requirements on their global supply chains may be just the right trigger to motivate local transport companies in the use of safe and productive heavy vehicle transport technologies and systems. By the way, it is the subject that I shall be presenting in Brisbane as well.   Lithium has become a key element in the transition of the global economy from fossil fuel to renewable energy. The World Economic Forum wrote in January...
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July 2023 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum subscriber, The opening paragraph of Jonathan Regehr’s June newsletter made me think again of the desperate situation in which we find ourselves here in South Africa (and many other Developing nations) regarding road fatalities and serious injuries in general and, more specifically, for the HVTT community, such statistics involving heavy vehicles. The statistics are frightening and yet the majority of the population has become accustomed to the situation except for brief periods when a serious crash with a relatively high number of fatalities and serious injuries is publicised in the media. Shortly after receiving Jonathan’s newsletter at the end of June, a crash involving a heavy vehicle and a minibus taxi occurred on the night of 2 July on a national highway in the Eastern Cape province resulting in 15 fatalities, including a two-year-old child and a two-month-old baby. It is alleged that the driver hit a...
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June 2023 Newsletter

Dear HVTT subscriber, I start this month’s newsletter on a somber note. On June 16, 2023, a crash between a tractor-semitrailer and a 25-passenger bus claimed the lives of 16 people. The crash occurred at an at-grade intersection of the Trans Canada Highway and a two-lane undivided rural road, west of Winnipeg, Manitoba. As the tragic details of the crash emerge, may we as a community of professionals involved in heavy vehicle transport be reminded to prioritize safety in all we do. *** Inspired by Karel Kural’s approach to last month’s newsletter, which featured developments from across Europe, this month’s newsletter highlights input provided by a few truck-enthused researchers in Canada—from east to west. New Brunswick: Dr. Julien Lépine, Université Laval and the HVTT Forum’s current Secretary, noted that province’s recent involvement in a pilot project that allows 60.5-ft (18.4-m) semi-trailers as part of a tractor semi-trailer combination, rather than the conventional 53-ft...
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May 2023 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum members, This month, I would like to offer an exciting newsletter, reporting on the positive developments from Europe. Thanks to Franziska Schmidt (FRA), Chris de Saxe (UK), and Thomas Asp (SWE) I compiled very interesting  newsletter from various parts of Europe where you can read about the continuous progress on implementation High-Capacity Vehicles in the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, and United Kingdom. Starting from the north, the Swedish government has recently decided to permit the use of 34.5-meter-long vehicle combinations within the country. However, it should be noted that comprehensive regulations for both infrastructure and vehicles are still being developed and will not be finalized until the end of this year. Consequently, the deployment of these vehicles on the roads will not take place before the completion of the regulations. Under this new policy, approximately 4000 kilometers of state roads will be opened for these longer vehicle combinations....
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