
September 5, 2024

August 2024 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum subscribers, Near the end of each month, you can usually find me pestering another HVTT officeholder to submit their newsletter on time… On this occasion, I have not done my job effectively! Nevertheless, it is my pleasure to write to you again in this, my second, newsletter. There is not much to report on the information officer front, other than a steady uptick in our LinkedIn readership and a few minor updates and corrections to our website. With that out of the way, I’ll dive into some updates on the UK front. The biggest development in the UK has of course been the election of a new Labour-led government in July, taking the helm after 14 years of the Conservatives. Leading up to the election, the Labour election manifesto had big ambitions to kick-start economic growth while accelerating the transition to a clean future, including the creation...
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