
Christopher de Saxe

March 2021 Newsletter

News from Road Transportation in South America Hello everyone, one year on and we are still dealing worldwide with the COVID19 pandemic. In my previous newsletter I described what was going on with the truck drivers in the region, the discrimination they suffer although considered essential workers. “Focus on Transport”, a road transport magazine from South Africa, thought the contents of that newsletter were relevant for its readers and asked us to published it, it came out in the December issue, just as the new variant in S.A. was known. COVID 19 in South America, many lessons learnt. After reading HVTT’s February newsletter, I can understand why. So, I am delighted to inform that, in line with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, this March the Brazilian Ministry of Health included transportation professionals from all over Brazil as a priority group to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. So, what else is going...
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February 2021 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum subscriber 2020 certainly was a crazy year, beyond most people’s wildest forecasts. And the prospects for 2021 remain very much uncertain. One of the more serious impacts of the COVID-19 virus on logistics’ costs (and truck drivers) in southern Africa was the transit times at border posts. Several the key border posts in the Region, such as those between South Africa and Zimbabwe (Beitbridge) and South Africa and Mozambique (Lebombo/Ressano Garcia), which are situated on two of the main freight corridors, are renowned for long delays for trucks. The COVID-19 screening protocols exacerbated the situation, and vehicle queues in some cases exceeded 15 km at the Beitbridge border post and 25 km on both sides of the Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post. During one week in Dec 2020, 15 people died at Beitbridge due to a combination of the long delays and the high summer temperatures between 40...
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January 2021 Newsletter

Dear HVTT subscriber, In this issue of the newsletter, I offer some perspectives on road freight transport during the COVID-19 pandemic and point to two truck-related data sources of particular interest in the North American context. Perspectives on Road Freight Transport during COVID-19 I receive regular emails from the local Manitoba Trucking Association, the voice of the trucking industry in the province of Manitoba, Canada. Throughout 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and ultimately affected all aspects of societies around the world, those emails informed Association members of the ever-changing restrictions and requirements affecting the industry. They reflected the complexities and challenges facing the industry, the ever-evolving and multi-dimensional nature of the road freight transport task, and the critical role the industry plays in meeting essential consumer demands. The complexity of cross-border freight transport While personal cross-border travel between Canada and the United States has been restricted since March 2020,...
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December 2020 Newsletter

Dear HVTT Forum subscribers, It is about nine months since I wrote my last newsletter. Nine months, since we all globally experience the new way of life and the working due to COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, the situation here in Europe does not improved significantly over the time, perhaps the opposite. The time we bought very expensively during the first lockdown on the spring was somehow carelessly spend over the relaxed summer, and now at the beginning of winter many of the European countries find themselves in second hard lockdown. The only robust solution on the long-term horizon appears to be the mass vaccination which will start in coming weeks in many European states. So, I wish that in my next newsletter COVID-19 will not be a topic anymore and we can share again only the developments on the weather and Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology. Speaking of weather, I must say...
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November 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of the HVTT Forum, Covid-19 has brought difficult times to all of us. No one has gone unaffected. As challenging as it is we still need to find ways to cope and to move on. That is also true for the Chinese organizing committee for the postponed HVTT16 in Qingdao. With this newsletter I would like to give an update on the preparations for the 2021 HVTT16, which will take place 7-9 September in Qingdao. Our assumption is that this will be a physical meeting, but we are also prepared to accommodate online participation. We will arrange this symposium in a hybrid format, where online, in person, live and recorded presentations meet in real time. The event will also be recorded for those not present to be able to watch at any time. The aim is to have real time sessions during those hours where people across global...
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New PBS/prescriptive legislation for high performance vehicles in Uruguay

Signed by the President of the Republic of Uruguay on November 12th, the Decree N°303/2020 of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP) authorising the circulation of High Performance Road Heavy Vehicles (Vehículos de transporte de cargas de Alto Desempeño, VAD in Spanish). was published yesterday and can be accessed, in Spanish, here. In time, I hope to translate it into English and share it with you. The legislation is the result of a joint work between consultants with professional independence and proven international experience in Performance-Based Standards (PBS) and prescriptive legislation, local authorities with technical and legislative knowledge, a responsible business sector and a strong political will for the advancement of the development and implementation of a sustainable road transport legislation. Collaboration from the Inter-American Development Bank was key too. I have written a little about how this work was progressing in my September 2019 newsletter, and the...
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HVTT16 – Supplementary call for papers

Greetings all, As you are probably aware, because of Covid-19 our 16th biennial symposium, HVTT16, has had to be postponed until September 4-7th, 2021.  Because of the ongoing uncertainty regarding international travel, the symposium will be held in a hybrid form with both in-person and on-line attendance options available.  All  the abstracts that have been submitted to date will be considered for the symposium (most authors have been notified of the status of their submission) but, because of the postponement we are opening the symposium for additional submissions.  The supplementary Call for Papers is can be downloaded here: Supplementary call for papers_HVTT16 Please note that even if you do not think that you will be able to attend the symposium in-person, the on-line option means that you will still be able to present your paper and participate in the symposium. Regards, John de Pont Scientific Chair, HVTT16

September 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere, Weather Report It is traditional in these newsletters to give a local weather report.  In New Zealand we have just moved into spring.  Daylight saving came into effect here last weekend.  The winter has been very mild here but in the last two weeks we have had a couple of storms.  These have been just a few days of rain and high winds but one of them has had a significant impact on our transport infrastructure.  Auckland, where I live, is New Zealand’s largest city and lies on an isthmus.  At the narrowest points, the distance between the west and east coast is less than three kms.  The main North-South highway crosses the harbour on an eight-lane bridge which carries 170,000 vehicles a day.  Two weeks ago during a storm, peak wind gusts of up to 127 km/h caused two trucks to be blown over...
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HVTT16 announcement

Dear friends of the HVTT Forum community, As we are all too painfully aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has made physical meetings and intercontinental travel very limited. The question is when intercontinental travel will be possible again and will be experienced as safe and trusted. For example, the Australian airline Qantas has canceled all its international flights until June 2021. Also the Olympic Games in Tokyo have been delayed until July 23 – August 8, 2021. We can only hope that in a year the situation will be different than now and that we will be able to meet each other again physically. We believe that it will be of great interest to everyone who is engaged in heavy vehicle transport & technology to visit China and to see the progress in the Chinese transport and logistics systems with fascinating innovations in a broad range of areas. Therefore it has been...
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June 2020 Newsletter

The impact of COVID 19 on road transportation in South America Hello to all, I write to you while working from home in Buenos Aires, a city about to enter its 100th day of quarantine. Weather-wise, we are supposed to be almost in winter, but I am still in a T-shirt. In my previous newsletter, I explained that many countries in the region underwent elections at the last quarter of 2019, then changed president between December and January. But January and February are summer holidays so mid-March was the time to start business. We were all getting ready when… the COVID19 virus started to spread badly, and we saw borders totally closed, leaving people and goods stranded on the way, until further decisions were made. The figure shows the different countries shut down, with the darker red representing more severe restrictions. Transport companies and truck drivers stepped up to the...
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