October 2021 Newsletter
Dear HVTT Forum subscribers,
It’s been a while since China hosted HVTT16. The symposium was beyond expectations, especially given the challenges RIOH faced due to COVID-19. A big compliment to them is in order here! More than 1000 people participated in the online HVTT16. That is a record in the history of the HVTT Forum. We hereby welcome all new members of the HVTT Forum community from China and other parts of the world.
All papers presented at HVTT16 can be found on the HVTT Forum website via the library (Library à Conference papers) and photos can be found in the photo gallery (HVTT Conferences à Photo gallery). You can jump straight to these via the following links:

The COVID-19 measures had also been tightened in China itself and meetings were only allowed in relatively small groups. The photo shows the HVTT16 organizers and participants of the ‘HVTT16 Regional Hub’ in Beijing.
Regional Hub concept
An experiment during the HVTT16 symposium was the concept of ‘Regional Hubs’. Because travel to China was not possible, but meetings could take place at a national level, so-called Regional Hubs were set up in a number of countries. That experiment can be called a success. It enhanced the sense of being a community and facilitated the exchange of knowledge and experience, especially because the technical support of this concept by the Chinese host was admirably good.

The HVTT16 Regional Hub in Helmond, the Netherlands, thanks RIOH for the good organization of the symposium.
We also said goodbye to a number of highly-valued Board Members during the HVTT16 symposium, including three ‘Founding Fathers’. In the 30th anniversary of the HVTT Forum, there has been a generational change. We are very sorry that as the HVTT Forum Board we had to say goodbye to David Cebon, Bob Pearson, John Woodrooffe, Rob di Cristoforo, Seamus Parker and Jacques Marmy. We wish them all the best and will not lose sight of them.
While updating the website after the HVTT16, we were surprised to find that John Woodrooffe was not included in the Honour Roll. Even before I could ask the HVTT Forum Board for its opinion, so to speak, I already got the approval of the entire Board. John: We owe you an apology that this omission has lasted so long! But you are hereby included in the Honour Roll of the HVTT Forum.
The organization of the HVTT17 symposium in Brisbane is now underway. The host organization, Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia (HVIA), has given the symposium the theme of “Ecosystem Evolution”. This embodies what we at the HVTT Forum want to achieve: the connection between all disciplines involved in road freight transport, in order to achieve social and business objectives. You can expect a Call for Papers soon.

With HVTT17 being held on the eve of the biennial Brisbane Truck Show – the biggest automotive exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere – a memorable experience awaits delegates in May 2023.
Here’s hoping that the challenges we’ve all faced with international travel will be overcome by then!
But with the lessons of HVTT16 in mind, plans are being made from the very beginning to make the symposium available online.
We wish the HVIA and its partners every success in organizing HVTT17!
As usual, we end with the local weather. Due to climate change, breaking records has become the norm. In Western Europe, the autumn of 2021 is already in the top 10 of the warmest autumns since measurements started. The result is that the trees remain green much longer and the autumn dress in the forests is not nearly as exuberant as usual. Nevertheless, an autumn walk through the forest is still a wonderful experience.
All the best,
Loes Aarts (President HVTT Forum)